having the Expanded
I'm a huge fan of any and all Pokemon related things. My favorite teams are Blue/White, Blue/ Violet, FireRed/ Leaf Green, Gold/Silver, Silver/White and Crystal/ Emerald. It's always fun seeing the different evolved form Pokemon that are released each year. So the question becomes, do you need an Expanded Card Deck or how will the new Pokemon cards change the Standard card decks you have at home?
Kinda have to figure out if wanting to play a mix of both, I suppose another question would also be what cards do you not want to stack up on, maybe a couple of relic and monkey cards would make sense? Do you really want to run the risk of having to draw early on removal and possibly a weak card that will end up in the discard pile? Do you really want to wait on getting a Pokemon card to evolve? One thing I like about having the Expanded Cards is that you can swap out your basic cards for some of the Expanded Cards such as Pokemon stadium, trade, league etc idn poker. This is a great way to expand your deck while keeping the competitive aspect of the game. Also the new designs are really nice and can give you a good laugh every once in a while.