who still pay their
Debt consolidation works by negotiating with your creditors and getting a reduction of your total debts. You will then have to pay the remaining amount to your credit card company. This process will allow you to manage your credit better. You will now only have one monthly payment instead of many to make. You will also have to make only one payment to the card company and they will disburse the money to your creditors on your behalf.
After the negotiations have been done, you will just have to make one payment to the credit card company every month. They will disburse the money to your creditors according to the agreement reached. They usually reduce your interest rate by about half and this is the reason why cardholders end up paying less interest compared to those who still pay their creditors according to the terms agreed upon previously agen idn poker. They also give you extra time to repay the debt and some card companies even reduce the interest rate by up to 40%. If you have an unsecured card, you can even get a secured card after undergoing credit counseling.